OC tidbits #1

Despite deromantizing total synthesis I do like organic chemistry and do feel aesthetic pleasure from synthetic schemes and mechanisms [note for my future employer, I do enjoy the bench work, too!]. Also, since high school and undergrad years I still have weak spot for org-chem puzzles. So Below are some little nuggets (subjective, of course) from the recent OC papers that I found interesting.

  • From Popov et al (Somfai lab) (ACIE):

  1. Try to figure out the mechanismacie9-10
  2. Try to explain the difference in chemoselectivity (and what’s going on with that Ts group by the way?).acie10-11acie10-12


  • From Hamasaki et al (Kochi lab) (JACS)

Can you guess the mechanism for this one?


  • Dream big!

All multi-ton processes start from the small scale, check this cute Kugelrohr apparatus setup by Thiyagarajan et al. for processing of biomass-derived furans (The white stuff in the middle is a zeolite catalyst; ACIE)


Author: Slava Bernat

I did my PhD in medicinal chemistry/chemical biology of G protein-coupled receptors and then explored some chemical biology of non-coding RNA as a postdoc. Currently I'm working in a small biotech company in San-Francisco Bay area as a research chemist. I'm writing about science, which catches my attention in rss feed reader and some random thoughts or tutorials.

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